Which of the 2012 turtles do you think would become the new teacher for the turtle successors instead of Splinter? I see only Michelangelo in this role, who, after many years of absence from New York, returned to it with four students (TMNT's successors were the two sons and two daughters of Raphael and Mona Lisa). I think Michelangelo will be a funny and unpredictable teacher who knows how to joke a lot, but is always right. Also who, like Splinter, can defeat everyone, but not with the help of force, but with the help of cunning and intuition. I think the rest of the turtles with Mona Lisa most likely live far from New York, having finished their heroic activities, but in emergency situations they help Mickey and his students.
I don't see Rafael as a teacher. he is more like a responsible father who is sometimes rude. But he lacks intuition and knowledge of ninjutsu. Donnie is more of a scientist and inventor who also has little intuition or experience with ninjutsu. Donnie is more like a kind uncle who can share life experiences and support or help with a scientific problem. Leo, I think, could become a teacher. But Leonardo will most likely be a boring, exemplary and strict teacher who will teach strictly to the point (I don’t think Leonardo is boring, but he will be too focused only on teaching, removing everything unnecessary, which I think Michelangelo will not do). Leonardo has the most experience in ninjutsu, but I think he lacks flexible thinking and experience. But Mickey is the most flexible😛