Clockwise, from top: Midtown Manhattan, Times Square, the Unisphere in Queens, the Brooklyn Bridge, Lower Manhattan with One World Trade Center, Central Park, the United Nations Headquarters, and the Statue of Liberty.
New York City is a city in the state of New York in the United States of America on the continent of North America on the planet Earth, where many things take place in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles universe. Every incarnation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise mainly takes place in this location.
Non-fictional locations[]
- Brooklyn
- Bronx
- Hudson River
- Manhattan
- 23rd Street
- 4th Street
- Alphabet City
- American Museum of Natural History
- Broadway
- Central Park
- Central Park South
- Central Park West
- Central Park Zoo
- Chelsea
- Chrysler Building
- Columbus Circle
- East Side
- East Harlem
- East River
- East Village
- Gramercy
- Kips Bay
- Lower East Side
- Murray Hill
- Turtle Bay
- Upper East Side
- Yorkville
- Eighth Avenue
- George Washington Bridge
- Greenwich Village
- Harlem
- Liberty Island
- Lower Manhattan
- Fifth Avenue
- Herald Square
- Holland Tunnel
- Midtown Manhattan
- Chrysler Building
- Empire State Building
- Madison Square Avenue
- Madison Square Garden
- Rockefeller Center
- Saint Patrick's Cathedral
- Times Square
- United Nations headquarters
- Saint Thomas Church
- New York City Hall
- New York Hall of Science
- South Street Seaport
- Union Square Park
- Upper West Side
- West Side
- Williamsburg Bridge
- Queens
- Sewers
- Staten Island
- Subway
- Upper New York Bay
Fictional locations[]
- April O'Neil's apartment
- Baxter Stockman's workshop
- Brown Street Children's Home
- Channel 6 News Building
- Clowntime Food and Games
- Foot Headquarters
- Jones Basement Apartment
- Mighty Mutanimals Headquarters
- Rat King's lair
- Second Time Around
- Techno Cosmic Research Institute
- Turtle Lair
Mirage's comic series[]
1987 TV series[]
- 5th National Bank
- Abandoned Green Street mansion
- Acme Electronics
- Acme Research
- Ajax Candy Factory
- All Night Men's Clothing
- April O'Neil's second apartment
- Argus Chemical Supply Warehouse
- Asian-American Cultural Center
- Bering Arms Hotel
- Bijou Theater
- Copcore Building
- Dynamatic Science Lab
- Entire State Building
- Flaming Turkey restaurant
- Flying Pizza Inn
- Freedom Bell
- Funzone
- Garbage Recycling Centre
- Glitch and Sons Electronic Supply Shop
- Greasy Eddie's European Pizza
- Green Street
- House 'o Media
- Howard's Pets
- House of Ha Ha
- Howie Hardy's apartment (Manhattan)
- Irma's apartment
- Kawolchick's apartment
- Leaning Tower Pizza
- Little Tokyo Town
- Lofty Tower
- Malacurian Embassy
- Mallory Chemical Plant
- Manhattan Security Services
- Marconi Labs
- Meat Rack
- Metro Hospital
- Metropolitan Stadium
- Michelangelo's Cowabunga Pizza
- Mile High Tower
- Museum of Asian Arts
- National Space Exploration Center
- Ninja Dentist
- Ninja Dry Cleaners
- Ninja Hall of Fame
- Ninja Rental
- Ninja Shoe Repair
- Ninja Video Rental
- Octopus Incorporation
- Pfeiffer's Jewels
- Posh Pizza
- Rabbit Hutch Restaurant
- Ray's Jumbo Pizza
- Ray's Pizza
- Reptile House
- Rex Movie Theater
- Rock-A-Fella Expressway
- Rock Quarry Factory
- Russian Pizza Room
- School building
- Shlavotny’s All-Night Antiques
- Shopping mall
- Skyscraper Square
- Slash for Cash Gym
- Subterranean temple
- Taffy factory
- Trumpet Tower
- UFO Pizza
- Unbridled Technology building
- Underground city
- Vertigo Point Tower
- Vic's Video
- Video Madness Arcade
- Vinnie's Pizzeria
- Vinnie's Valet Parking Garage
- Warehouse (end of the pier)
- Weird Pizza to Go
- Willie Wombat's Pizza Pan Theater
- Woo's Oriental Palace
- Zach's and Walt's family's house
Archie's comic series[]
- Acme Traps
- Cutdah Cheeze
- Gabrielle's Orphanage
- Ha'ntaan's lair
- Manhattan Security Services
- Ninja Cleaners
- Ninja Pizza
- Ninja Shoe Repair
- Shredder's underground headquarters
- Turtleco
- Vendo Rama Market
Fleetway's comic series[]
1990 film series[]
- April O'Neil's second apartment
- East warehouse on Lairdman Island
- Lairdman Island
- Roy's Pizza
- Winters Corp
The Next Mutation[]
Image's comic series[]
2003 TV series[]
- Arnold Jones, Sr.'s shop
- Casey Jones' apartment
- Ch'rell's Palace
- Crazy Manny's
- Foot Mansion
- Foot Tower
- Garbageman's landfill island
- Jay's Pizza
- Leatherhead's lair
- Megatropolis
- O'Neil Tech Building
- Reservoir Station
- Ronald Rump Civic Center
- Shell of Justice
- Sierra Hotel
IDW comics[]
- Abandoned theater
- Dun Import Export
- Duncan Doughnut
- Keno's Pizza
- Midtown Evacuation Center
- Mutant Town
- Natural History Museum
- New York Tech
- Pigeon coop
- Rupert's Pizzeria
- Skara Brae
- StockGen
- Zoo Amsterdam (alternate universe)
2012 TV series[]
- Auman Chemicals
- Argosy theater (Lower East Side)
- Chris Bradford's Dojo
- Don Vizioso's restaurant
- Jack J. Kurtzman's apartment
- The Lair
- Roosevelt High School
- Ivan Steranko's hideout
- Undercity
Rise of the TMNT[]
- Albearto's
- Albearto Land
- Baron Draxum's apartment
- Chateau Prétenche
- Cuddle Cakes Puppy Rescue
- Denmark Tunnel
- Foot Shack
- Grand Nexus Hotel
- Hypno-Potamus and Warren Stone's apartment
- Lactose Tolerant Inc
- Meat Sweats' Lair
- Molina Tower
- O'Neil apartment
- Repo Mantis Salvage
- Run of the Mill Pizza
- Washington Irving High School