
Article structure is an ever-evolving process here on Turtlepedia. This article will cover the basics on writing an easy-to-read entry and keeping a general manual of style.

Incarnations and Disambiguation Pages

While initially, character pages were designed to encapsulate the history of all of one character's incarnations, it became almost necessary to split them up into separate articles to facilitate ease-of-use. This also brings the Wiki in line with other comic Wikis, to help visitors from other Wikis navigate ours as well as vice versa.

This has also been helpful since the introduction of the Multiverse, since some incarnations of a character have appeared in multiple media.

  • Disambiguation pages for characters are to include every major incarnation of a character, set by a gallery with character name and primary appearance, such as this:

File:Lhmirage.jpg|<center>'''[[Leatherhead (Mirage)|Leatherhead]]'''<br>[[Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles|Mirage Comics]]</center>

Which gives us:

We are still experimenting on the structure of how and where to place these incarnations on the disambiguation page. Initially, they were just grouped together in order of appearance, but it was suggested that we group them by media (Comic, Television, Video Games, etc.)

  • Episodes and issues on character disambiguation pages are to be only used if that episode or issue is that character's name. Hun (Tales issue) would be applicable, but not Hun on the Run.
  • Any action figure the character is depicted as, is placed below all of this.
  • Disambiguation pages do not get any categories except for [[Category:Disambiguation pages]]
  • Effective immediately (December 1, 2024), we are disallowing the additions of "empty" in-universe entries (characters, locations, objects) to Disambiguation pages. What an "empty" entry means, is a page that has not yet been created. Please ensure that there already is a page created for the subject, or create it yourself before adding - keep in mind that placeholder rules remain in effect - i.e. don't create a sub-stub article for the purpose of adding to a Disambiguation page. Out-of-universe items (merch/toys, movies, games, shows) are still allowed, and anything that was added to a Disambiguation page prior to this date is allowed to remain.


What trivia is not:

  • Trivia is not whatever pops into your head to write down.
  • Trivia is not stating the obvious.
  • Trivia is not "this is the fifth episode that focuses on Mikey" or "this is the sixty-ninth episode that April does not appear in". Or "this is the third version of Slash to be a part of a team" etc.
  • Trivia is not "it is unknown what happened to this character" or "it's possible that this character" or anything similar to the two.
  • Trivia is not speculation, rumors or your personal headcanon. If it is not verifiable within the contents of the episode/issue or any other officially released supplemental material (official Nick website, official blogs, action figures), it doesn't belong on the Wiki, period, except for maybe discussion blogs.
  • Trivia is not "this character is similar to this character from XYZ show". Trivia is also not "this action/dialogue is similar to what XYZ in show/movie did/said".
  • Trivia is not "this character did this in this version but not in this version".
  • Trivia is not anything that has been or can be in the episode/issue/character synopsis, such as a major plot point (Dogpound's mutation into Rahzar in TMNT 2012, for example)
  • Trivia is not stating what you think the creative team meant i.e. "It is likely that the writers for XYZ forgot this about the character." This site is for facts, not theories.
  • Trivia is tidbits of interesting facts or behind-the-scenes information that may not be apparent, such as foreshadowing, mythology gags, and cultural references.
  • Trivia is also not "Razhar returns in this episode" etc.
  • Do not attempt to circumvent the Trivia rules by placing conjecture/speculation under the Notes section or some other area of the page. The same rules apply.


Try to keep categories concise, to the point, unambiguous, and ensure they conform to previously established categories. Try to exercise good judgment on what sort of categories you feel should exist. We don't need to catalog every single aspect of a character, and it's a safe bet that unless it's something significant that can be ascribed to something like [[Category:Temporary Mutants]], brief events may not be worth it. For example, one proposed category, "The Manipulated" didn't exactly describe its intention its categorization (brainwashed characters), and in fact, is such an insignificant brief event, that it probably doesn't need to be one at all.

Conformity in categories is super important and can't be stressed enough. Having eight different categories with names like "Mutants (1987 TV series)", "Mutants 1987", "1987 show mutants", etc. is a very ugly, cluttered mess. Likewise, if you see a category called "Villains (1987 TV series)" and one called "Villains (2003 TV series)", it might not be a good idea to make one called "Villains 2012". On that note, for the love of everything good and holy, try your best to spell things correctly (this also applies to articles in general). We actually had several categories with "villians" written in them, and anything in Japanese is plural for itself, so "Ninjas" doesn't fly at all.

Redundancy is not something to strive for when it comes to categories. If a character is listed under "Mutants (1987 TV series)", then they're also automatically covered by a "Mutants" category by default, due to the way the hierarchy works. A "2012 TV series Season 3 episode" Category doesn't need to also be added to "2012 TV series episodes" and "Episodes". A voice actor or a writer is by default a Non-Fiction People (sic), so they don't need to be added to that category. There will always be outliers, but for the most part, if it's covered by one category already, it isn't advised to add it to another and establish redundancy. An article can be in "Islands" and "2003 TV series locations" because neither category covers the other, but if you add "Locations" to that in addition... well, both of the pre-existing categories cover locations, so it probably shouldn't happen. In addition to the above, try not to make the categories too overly narrow.

Also keep in mind, that many categories like gender, series appearances (era), and sometimes species are easily added by the character infobox! No need to add these manually to an article if you can add them from the infobox.

Page Images

  • Try to use the cleanest, clearest, most aesthetically interesting image possible of the character, from their most recent or most well-known look for the character image in the infobox.
    • Official character art/renders are the most acceptable images to use, but if those are unavailable, get the best screenshot/scan/cropped panel you can.
    • Do not use cropped panels in galleries.
  • Color images are preferred over black-and-white ones, when available.
  • NO WATERMARKED IMAGES (unless it's an official Nick/Mirage/4Kids/IDW etc. watermark)
  • Please use a descriptive title that offers some context as to what is pictured, and not use the default name used by your screenshot program or from the Tumblr you took the image from or whatever.
  • If you obtained an image from an exclusive source, credit it in the image description (as in, on the actual image's page)
  • All sized on-page images used to demonstrate the article's subject (as in, in an infobox or just at the page's top) are to be of 250 pixels in size (attained with the string "250px") unless the image would be distorted to an reasonable degree due to size of the original source image. Images that are larger horizontally may be scaled up (suggested: 350px to 450px) as Fandom does not stretch the image to a visual standard in contrast to images that are larger vertically or equal in height and width. Absolutely no thumbnail images (string: thumb) are to be use as demonstrative images.
  • Episodes are to use the title card (a screenshot of the episode where the title is displayed on-screen), unless this item is unavailable. No random scenes from the episode, and no ending "sepia shots". It was sort of an unwritten and unenforced rule for a while that we were using the title cards, but then randomly all of the 2012 episodes were switched to the last shot of the episode. We want to make things uniform across the board.
  • Unless it would create padding in an infobox image to maintain infobox size integrity, please remove all unnecessary blank space around the subject (such as for action figures, concept/promo art).
  • Transparent-backed images that have been made from a screenshot, panel, or render count as cropped images for the purpose of clarity and aesthetics and are authorized to use, so long as no other editing is performed (color swapping/vectoring, etc.)
  • For larger or better quality versions of pre-existing images, if they are the same format (JPG, PNG, etc) they can just be replaced with the Replace function from the Edit dropdown. If an image is named incorrectly (such as because of a typo or inappropriate name), it can be renamed using the Move function from this same dropdown.
  • FOR ALL IMAGES please include the {{Fairuse}} or {{Self}} templates as applicable (Self is for if you took a photo of a physical object like an action figure or a screenshot of a video game yourself, Fairuse is for almost everything else), and categorize the image. If you do not see the category you want to use as already existing or you are unsure what to use, please ask an administrator.

When to Use Storylink

Storylink is to be used sparingly, to refer to an episode or issue as a footnote. When mentioning the story in question within a sentence, just link to the article, or if it's been mentioned in the article already, simply add no Wiki markup.


  • The wrong way:
    • In The Gauntlet, Bradford and Xever are mutated into Dogpound and Fishface.
  • Correct ways:
    • In The Gauntlet, Bradford and Xever are mutated into Dogpound and Fishface.
    • Bradford and Xever are mutated into Dogpound and Fishface.The Gauntlet

Character and Cast Listings

For individual episodes/issues of TMNT, a list of the characters that appear in the episode/issue is to be placed near the top of the article (after a brief rundown of what the article is about). Major characters are listed first (those that play an important role in the episode), followed by minor characters (those who play a lesser role or only show up as a cameo). If it is an episode, movie, or some other instance of the series that has actors, the actors are to be listed in this character list after the character name. A separate cast list is not to be made. These lists are to be alphabetical.

Correct Example:

In this example, the characters are listed in alphabetical order and the actor names follow the characters

Incorrect Examples:

Characters are not in alphabetical order in this example

In this example, the character list and cast are separated

  • In no case should a character whose name is mentioned but not does not appear in a work be added under appearances. Saying someone's name does not make them appear.


  • Galleries do not receive "image", "screenshot" or likewise categories. They are collections of images, not images themselves. Those tags are for the images that a user uploads.
  • We do not need every frame of a character from every episode and if it is found that there are too many nigh-identical images in a gallery, they will be removed.
  • Due to Fandom's 2020 software update, images as presented in the gallery by default are entirely too small for logistics. It is recommended to use the tag "widths=" in a gallery tag (for example, <gallery widths=250>) to make the images larger. Experiment with what feels right to you when adding the tag, but for the most part, 250 is a decent size for dedicated gallery pages and disambiguations.
  • Gallery sections on an article are permitted if there are only a few to display, but anything that has over three images should have its own dedicated gallery page. Toy articles are exempt from this.
  • A gallery does not necessarily require the article page's top/infobox image. If a top image or infobox image uses a cropped version of a larger image (such as a screenshot or panel), please add the full image in the gallery instead.

Article naming scheme


At least until a better solution is introduced into canon for a naming scheme for universes (similar to DC and Marvel's), articles are to be listed by what media they appear initially in, following their name, within parenthesis.

For example: Leonardo

The main universes to use at this time are as follows:

  • Mirage - For the original Mirage comics by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, and the universe built in these comics.
  • Archie - For Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures and associated titles
  • Image - For the "Volume 3" comics published by Image Comics
  • IDW - IDW's comic universe
  • 1987 TV series - For the original Murakami-Wolf Swenson animated series
  • Next Mutation - For the short-lived live action series by Saban Entertainment
  • 2003 TV series - For 4Kids Entertainment's animated series
  • 2012 TV series - For Nickelodeon's CGI animated series
  • Rise of the TMNT - For Nickelodeon's 2D animated series
  • 1990 film series - For the first four theatrical films, and the universe built by them
  • 2014 film series - For the 2014 and 2016 film reboot distributed by Paramount films, and associated canon media
  • Point Grey - For TMNT:Mutant Mayhem, its sequel(s), and the 2024 Tales of the TMNT animated series

Note that there are many mini-continuities and that these are simply the major ones.

Character Names

If his or her real name is known, an article shall be listed by that name. A redirect article may be made so that the article can be easily found.

For example, the villain currently known as Rahzar in the 2012 TV series has the real name of Chris Bradford. Thus, his article is Chris Bradford, with a redirect at Rahzar. Since he was also known as Dogpound, there is also a redirect at Dogpound.

Titles aren't to be used in character article names unless it's to differentiate between one or more subjects (such as with Mr. Kimball and Mrs. Kimball) or it's PART of the character's name/identity/moniker, such as Doctor Dome or Mrs. Nubbins.

Eralink Templates

When available, please use the eralink templates (such as miragelink, 2012link, etc) instead of [[Article Subject (Universe Name)]] when writing articles. This is a shorter, easier way to link to character's incarnation. These are done as such: {{eralink|Article Subject}} - for example, {{2012link|Metalhead}} produces Metalhead.
